From George Brown himself: Nothing for us to worry about, merely an inconvenience.
TheCease Trade Order issued by the BC Securities Commission was issuedagainst me personally for failing to file my insider trading forms.
The system use to be a paper system under which I maintained my filings.
They changed to an electronic system and refused to take paper filings as soon as the electronic system was implemented.
The original electronic system failed and implementation was postponed.
They continued to refuse to take paper forms.
It was a busy time for me personally starting out MacMillan Gold on a shoestring and I let myself get offside on my filings.
Until I am able to re-create all my historical transactions I am not allowed to buy or sell stock.
I apologize to the shareholders for allowing myself to fall behind.
I hope the shareholders realize that it in no way reflects any less of a commitment to MacMIllan Gold and our long term goals.
My shareholding position is as disclosed each year in the Information Circular filed on SEDAR.
Ithas increased year over year from my participation in PrivatePlacements which have also been disclosed in news releases as approvedby the TSX Venture.
I will obide by the CTO and do my filings as soon as I am able but it will NOT be placed as a priority to the business of MacMillan Gold.
Two canadian brokerage firms mistakenly took the CTO to be against the company.
One removed it immediately on the same day while we were on the phone to them.
E*Trade refused to remove it when it was pointed out that it was not against the company.
E*Traderefused to accept the offer of the BC Securities Commission to callthem for clarrification if they needed or desired it.
E*Trade also did not return our calls regarding the CTO and made us call and email over several days and weeks.
E*Tradefinally changed the note on their system from a CTO to a "call arepresentative" only after being notified in writing that their actionswere libel and slander and would result in legal action.
E*Trade'sreason or excuse is that their system does not allow them toselectively block individuals and therefore they must block everyone.
I have an account at E*Trade and have informed them of the account.
It was opened with full disclosure to E*Trade that I am an insider of MacMillan Gold.
Inmy personal opinion, E*Trade's actions infringe on the rights ofMacMIllan Gold to freely trade and on the rights of each account holderto freely trade and may expose them to legal action and damages.
Hope this sheds some light on the CTO discussion.
George A Brown