RE: BARK RESULTSDon't be surprised if you see Armits before Barks.
Whoever said anonymous was done was dead wrong. Still dumping but at least Weisel and RBC has been picking up the large blocks. I still think it Northern is behind anonymous. Sooner or later they will be done and then we can start the rise. I sure hope they finish unloading before we get the drill results because if they aren't and the results are good then they will put a damper on things.
IMHO I wouldn't be surprised to see Northern do a PP to cover the ABCP problem. I also wouldn't be surprised if the Quebec accord fails then they might go belly up. If the small guys start suing them over the ABCP then good bye so sad.
My gold option buddy says that gold will hit $1000 bucks again and either this time or next time will break through and then we will be off to the races. He figures the big guys are taking it down to load up and then they will let if take off again to make a big buck. He loves the large swings in the price. He makes lots of money on it. His contacts tell him that the yanks will be printing money like crazy this year and as everybody knows that this means inflation and Gold will take off.
Cha Ching.