RE: losvegasI still think BNX.A has a very nice and unappreciated discovery... the reserves that they were able to book from one well confirms that and, again, if you took some time to do some DD you'd see that my estimates of the pool size are well within the range of probability. I always said those wells would need stimulation/fraccing and the company is evaluating their options in that regard right now.
Read the latest press release from BNX.A and you'll see that things are still moving along nicely there.
BUK management moves faster than BNX.A and the two reservoirs are like night and day. BUK has highly permeable and porous Leman sandstone at Durango and BNX is trying to crack the nut of a tight carbonate which I believe is equivalent to the Sun River dolomite seen in the Reagan field near the CDN-US border.
Can't hold your and through all of it losvegas... go back to school or listen to someone else who you don't think is a pumper. Time will show who's who.