OTCPK:MSSNF - Post by User
Post by
jmlguyon Sep 14, 2008 8:13pm
Post# 15455652
Trouble in River City
Trouble in River CityMerrill Lynch no more, Lehman kaput,AIG belongs to WS shysters, AH Cramer(cnbc) trying to say things still bright...he should be thrown in jail with his "daddy" danny dorfman(remember that jerk from cnbc),...and Kudlow probably drinking pepto bismol by the gallon!!! My 100K MNR will be worth more than Lehman on the open...my AZK and CDE should only appreciate rest of year. I am NOT advocating putting all eggs in gold basket, but suggest we keep 90% in cash for opportunities...,however, if precious metals don't jump early,I will add to my metals pos. then wait ......and smile as kudlow pukes and cramer rants.