3 February - Toronto One2One Investor Forum InvitaI received this in my junk emailbox today. it says....
"Timmins Gold Corp is engaged in the exploration and development of gold projects in Mexico. The company aspires to become a senior gold production and development company and has an aggressive development and acquisition plan to take the Company into production in late 2008. With a pre-feasibility report complete on its "flagship" San Francisco property in Sonora Mexico, Timmins is moving towards a minimum annual 80,000 ounces of gold production. "
Production in late 2008 eh. The SP is half a buck and Timmins is in production or is that a typo and it should be late 2009 which seems more likely. When paying for promotion, Bruce make sure the information you are sending out is current and correct otherwise you are WASTING SHAREHOLDERS' MONEY!!
On a lighter note, it is good to see that the Executive VP and CFO is history as he did not seem to be behind the project 100% due to his constant selling of shares all the way down. The question I have is how long will it take for him to sell the balance of his shares and how much is it going to cost the company for the "Golden Handshake"??? This also goes for the other one that resigned too. Money is tight right now and I would much rather see it spent in the ground than for some dead weight that should have let go a long time ago.