4601 9 years ahead of competition
New K-Ras inbitors
You start from strach. You design a compound. Probably will take u 2 years with a crackpot team of scientists. That's fast.
You need to do all the preclinical trials to move from discovery to trial. That's another 5 years.
PI design to results to FDA regulatory paperwork another 2 years.
So, 4601 is 9 years or so ahead of competition. 9 years of monopoly.
Okay, you got two compouds able to do the job for K-ras. EKT and PI3k inbitors. You need 2 years to go to PI and a 2 years to finish the preclinical stuff.
You are 4 years behind.
The race is on for K-ras drug candidates.
If you buy 4601, you get ahead of the competition. All the works is done. Waiting for cash to start PII.
How much is someone willing to pay for this advantage?
No toxicity
Drug regimen confirmed
Signs of efficacy
I'd say more than 10 millions.
Should it be 32 millions, TLN shareholders could get 1$ per share.
Ohh, if you buy TLN for 32 millions you get to access 115 millions of losses. Wow, you get the compound for free basically 'cause u can offset the value of the losses with your own revenue.
All this is also true, even if 4601 is totally ineffective for GBM.