Primary Objective : Extending Life
I have become overly risk averse with the recent market turmoil.
I do believe that biotech are the next sector to dramatically rise, if not already.
Small caps biotecth washout is almost over.
Companies with no future are closing and the best one will survice.
It's good to remain ourselve of what other approve cancer drugs do in reality.
Avastin or (Bevacizumab) extend life for 4.7 months for 50K per treatment.
4601 needs to extend life more than 2.5 months and could get a similar price tag.
Bevacizumab is one of the most expensive drugs widely marketed.Doctors and editorials have criticized the high cost, for a drug thatdoesn't cure cancer but only prolongs life. In the U.S., insurancecompanies have refused to pay for all or part of the costs ofbevacizumab, and in countries with national health care systems, suchas the UK and Canada, the health care systems have restricted its usebecause of the low ratio of benefits to cost. Genentech argues that thebenefit is worth the cost, and the high cost pays for the expensive andrisky research needed to develop new drugs. Genentech has adjusted theprice for patients in certain circumstances.
For colorectal cancer, Meyer wrote in the New England Journal of Medicinethat bevacizumab extended life by 4.7 months (20.3 months vs. 15.6months) in the initial study, at a cost of $42,800 to $55,000[15]
The addition of bevacizumab to standard treatment can prolong thelives of breast and lung cancer patients by several months, at a costof $100,000 a year. [16]