Obama, Lithium, & Clayton ValleyFYI Rodinia's (RM.v) is the same area where Fish Valley is located... both around chemitall's lithium brine producer in NA... unles Bolivia softens up their policies it looks like lit brine will still be sourced elsewhere!
I believe RM is related to the writer (possibly through financial compensation), but regardless its a good review of the area from a non-related third party on TNR's newly acquired area
Clayton Valley - the Saudi Arabia of Lithium?
Rodinia recently announced that it and its Wyoming subsidiary, DonnybrookPlatinum Resources, Inc. had entered into a letter agreement (the "Agreement")with GeoXplor Corp. ("GeoXplor") in respect of 250 unpatented mining claimslocated in the Clayton Valley, Esmeralda County, Nevada (the "Property").
Clayton Valley is home to the only lithium producer in the United States.This plant extracts lithium from brines pumped from aquifiers below the valleyand has been in production since 1967. The plant is designed to produce 1.2million kg of lithium per year and to date has produced an estimated 50 millionkg of lithium. Rodinia's property is adjacent to this production facility.
In 1975, I.A. Kunasz of the American Institute of Mining, estimated the mineralendowment of Clayton Valley to be 750 million kg of lithium. A more recentstudy by Price, Lechler, Lear and Giles in 2000, suggests that significantlymore lithium was released into the Clayton Valley catchment by the weatheringof high lithium bearing rocks. They suggest that as groundwater enters thebasin, it appears to be dissolving lithium minerals accumulated in valley sedimentand is partially recharging the lithium content of the brine, while miningoperations have been ongoing. "Replenishment of brines comes from surroundingRhyolite, which are the most lithium rich in the world. Brines in the areahave concentrations as high as 1000 ppm Concentrations as low as 166 ppm havebeen used in lithium brine pool extraction methods." - Author
In addition to the claims covered under the Option, Rodinia through its U.S.subsidiary has staked an additional 284 claims (45,440 acres) in Clayton Valley.These mining claims will form part of the Property under an area of mutualinterest clause in the Agreement. When combined with the claims under option,Rodinia now has a total of 50,440 acres under its control, accounting for approximately90% of the valley. Rodinia has planned an aggressive exploration program totarget additional layers of lithium bearing brines which may exist throughoutthe property.
"Recovery of Lithium From Saline Brines Using Solar Evaporation"
Wayne T Barrett & Bernard J O'Neill Jr.
Foote Mineral Company
For investors
The United States is not even close to being self sufficient in Lithium orUranium. If America is to end its dependence on foreign energy and vastly reduceits carbon footprint it will have to develop its own internal resources ofthese critical minerals.
Developing countries such as China and India, with 2.3 billion people betweenthem, will, even while going mostly nuclear, drastically increase their consumptionof fossil fuels. Oil, natural gas and coal are all going much higher in price.Soon it is going to be imperative that the present US administration is seento be doing something, as promised, about high energy prices, foreign energydependence and the US's extremely large carbon footprint.
The Alternative Energy Revolution with its "Yes we will!" slogan has beenpresented as a major plank in Obama's election platform and there's no questionhe will follow through. He has to, the coming high price of energy derivedfrom non-friendly foreign fossil fuel suppliers combined with ever increasingcompetition for limited resources will make it happen.
Lithium and Uranium are two of the best ways to play President Obama's energyagenda. The power of the Office of the President of the United States willbe backing the Eco-Energy Revolution and billions of dollars will be givenout to develop the technology behind the lithium-ion battery. This energy revolutionis a serious investable long-term trend and we, as investors, have to takeadvantage of the opportunities being presented. We'd be smart to get in early,ahead of the herd, to take advantage of the coming global rush to electricity- generated by nuclear power and stored in lithium-ion batteries.