Eureka! You boyz wuz right!On zero news(just the well- found opinions that Peter is swell) we have jumped 1/2 cent on higher than usual volume(500 shares)!! Awesome! I hope some of the 'MNR Coffee and K Pete's B Club' have done better on their other holdings. Over the last 60 days alone we have bought and sold mostly oil,gas and mining shs, which have made nice returns.such as vst.v,,westernzagros,,gte, tgc,skyvf,bqi,frg,svm,tgb and quite a few others. ( Oh, oh, gotta watch that darn space bar! ) Till we're informed,probably thru the Northern Miner or Istanbul Herder, that we have a 'go' with an open pit, I relish the thought of more GATA,Rothschilds, Illuminati, Fabrege Eggs and Goose with the Golden Egg stories. In the mean time let's all be friends and work towards world peace!! Seriously,this is a trader's market and all above were st trades in some cos I didn't trust, but they were swept along in the flow....not all companies are willing to be perceived by the street as imminently viable.