RE: is this it for the season?Sacks, here's the way I see it regarding Coro. This could be a little biases since I did pick up some more this week. Nothing like averaging down as they say.
Coro is down because Freeport bailed on Llancahue which is why the price took off and peaked out at 35 cents in the first place. I have no idea why they bailed but they bailed. You could speculate that when they bailed the market figured there is nothing their since they bailed out. I'm no expert but the 100 meter sure looks really impressive to me but like I said I'm no expert. So now if Coro does want to go forward on this project then they need cash to do it. So if that's the case then where do they get the cash to continue? I don't think they have that much money on hand so you could speculate that they could do a PP. If that's the case then more liquidation and @ what price do they do the PP? That's one theory. My other theory on why the price is down is that the PP @ 11 cents could be hitting the market but that's just a wild guess. Before Coro took of to 35 cents there was next to nothing for volume around 15-19 cents. So if the PP wants out then the market is their for them.
The way I see it, the price of copper is hitting new year highs and the price of gold sure looks like it's holding it own for the summer doldrums so in theory come fall we should break 1000 bucks but that is JMHO. Add all this up and if they do get the permit in the fall then in theory they should take of but that is only theory on this. If that doesn't pan out then plan B which is Llancahue and if they do go in and hit more of the high percentages then off she goes.
Just thinking about it, BTC should get in on the Llancahue project if they could. I know they already own a ton of Coro shares but maybe do a deal to get a piece of Llancahue for financing. Just idle summer time think on that.