RE: RE: Copper on the move againStillwater is no surprise to me. King Lake is dead till next year. Haven't you read the old press release. They only have a summer window to work the property.
This is just a wild guess but gold is going to break 1000 bucks b4 winter, no make that sooner than later. That guess is only based on my opinion which is what I've been reading and trying to filter through all the BS. The facts that are believable is that various governments have been bailing out the ailing economy and that means they are cranking up the printing press for money. Industrial demand and India's consumption has been dropping not increasing. So why hasn't gold decline? Who's buying up the gold?
Now this is just a wild guess but I do believe that investors who see the fact that governments are printing lots of money are looking for security and gold seems to be a nice place so far. gold hasn't dropped in price as it usually does in the summer so that means we are out of the sell in spring and buy in fall mentality. People are physically buying gold way more now then they did in the past. Have you noticed ads on TV asking for physical gold? I've never ever seen that before. Plus I do believe which is hard to do that the gold manipulators are running out of gold to unload when the price starts to spike. Call me crazy but I actually believe that the US government is behind most of the manipulation. Sell in spring and buy in fall is over and gold really hasn't dropped that much. Summer is over in my books so in theory there is nowhere to go but up.
So if you don't believe anything that I've posted then tell me why gold hasn't dropped significantly in the summer. I do believe when oil and gold moved up and down in price together that the experts said that gold was tide to oil. Oil has tanked but gold hasn't. Why did they uncouple?
Now back to our regular scheduled programming BTC. Stillwater is dead, King lake is dead till next summer. I know that you don't believe COP will get the permit for the mine but how can you discount the two drill programs that BTC has coming on line looking for gold? The only reason that I can come up with is that you believe gold is going to nose dive so these drill programs don't mean squat or else you think they don't have a chance at finding anything.
I noticed that QUA isn't participating in the price spike in copper. I don't follow them that closely but you did say they had a hedging program on so my guess that this is due to that. If you like a nice slow secure stock then they look like one. If you want some action then sell out and pick up a major gold producer unless you think gold is going to tank. I've picked up some Gold corp last week because I do believe gold is going to break that magical 1000 buck for good this time around but that is JMHO.
We'll at least we kind of agree on the price of copper. The only difference is that If the economy is actually turning around then copper is going higher but that is just my wild guess.