COP Corp. PresentationRidge -> This is you last chance to get on board. COP doesn't usually give you much information on what they are doing. For a company that doesn't put much out, this is a must read -> Corporate presentation - it's on their web site. All the negative stuff that you were yapping about is addressed here.
************* Las HerasDepartment is a Pro-Mining Department of the Province ****************
If this doesn't give Ridge a warm and fuzzzzzzzzzzzzy feeling then that's about all I can do.
They have this nice chart for San Jorge. My best guess is that if Copper is at $2.75 and gold is $1200 then the project would be rank world class since they should be hitting the 1 billion dollars / year mark. The other interesting note is that they said leach potential.
Copper price $1.65 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50$2.75 $3.00 $3.25$3.5
Au$600/oz $82 $220 $318$415 $513 $610 $708 $805
Au$800/oz $116 $253 $351$449 $546 $644 $741 $838
Au$1000/oz $150 $287 $384$482 $580 $677 $775 $872
Au$1,200/oz $183 $320 $418$515 $613 $711 $808 $905
NPV @10%