Canplats-CorrienteThe world continues to unfold as some wise men on this board predicted it would-big guys are getting more and more aggressive in their pursuit of little guys. First Canplats got yet another matching bid then Corriente got snapped up. I am undoubtably biased but I still don't see the kind of potential in either target that we have in Mali. I believe-more firmly now than ever-that our day is approaching faster than we expect, perhaps faster than Greg expects. Deposits that host potentially 10 million ounces just aren't around anymore-or they cost top dollar. Somebody, or somebodies, spent the holidays reviewing the data and is, I am guessing, impressed. Once one suitor steps forward I am predicting the kind of bidding war that Canplats is now causing. Enjoy the ride and here's to a great and properous new year.