2 yrs same cr apppp
I hope all is going well at Rocmec.I was hoping you could answer a few questions
1. Was the acquisition ofthe Peruvian property completed before the deadline of May 30th2008?
The European financiers needmore time to conduct their due diligence and as such we have informed ourPeruvian counterparts who are agreeable to extend the purchase optionagreement.
This would be the secondextensiongranted why the delay? Also did I miss the resultsfrom thedrill program earlier this spring? (NR Feb28)
Please re-read my first answerand add to the fact that our Peruvian counterparts want to absolutely beshareholders of the new Peruvian company that will be formed to exploit theproperty. The drill results will be made public once we acquire theproperty.
2. What is happening withthe ore currently being extracted via TF at Rocmec1? stockpiled? what would theapproximate grade be?
The ore is currently being stockpiled onsite and will betreated with our new treatment plant. It is difficult to confirm an exact gradeconsidering that the stockpiles also include development ore, however dollarwise, we estimate the current amount of ore to be worth anywhere between 800K –1.5 million
From the MD&A this is a 44000tonne bulk sampling program, how many tonnes are stockpiled? The 75 TPD millcurrently being set up to process the ore seems little under capacity as itwould take almost 2 years to process 44000 tonne bulksample
Since wehave begun operations at Rocmec 1, we have extracted roughly 20,000 tonnes whichincludes approximately 8,000 tonnes currently stockpiled onsite.
3. How is TF technologybeing accepted by other gold producers?
They are simply amazed, the companies we met at the PDAC inMarch and our presentation in early May in has generated quite a bit of interest,in fact over the last 2 weeks 2 South African companies have made on-site visitsto our Rocmec 1 property.
4. I believe in a 2007 news releaseRocmec had signed an agreement with Kubota to commercially produce TF equipment,how far along are they?
They are in the final stages and the unit will ready fortesting very shortly.