RE: RE: Mr. Hesketh bought on open market!!Anglo Pacific continues to sell shares, they do seem to want to drive the price down, or at least "cap it". (They sold 85,000 @ .57 on April 8th, Thursday. They had smaller sales of 4,000, 10,000, 20,000, 36,000 and 38,000 shares a couple days before Thursday's sale).
The selling does make sense if, as you have suggested, they want a dilutive financing deal done at a cheap share price. Currently I find it irratating, but hopefully a couple years from now it is of no consequence.
As of March 19, 2010, "major" shareholders of Atna include Anglo Pacific Group (14,084,500 shares), Lloyd Miller III (5,976,191 shares), and Sprott Asset Management (4,648,748 shares). With Anglo owning 17 percent of Atna stock, they could flood the market with shares if they wanted to.