RE: watch this one over next few weeks and...
Chart does look good ...
Based on the low volume of shares being traded, even moderate cash flows into this issue will cause the price to move substantially higher.
The real story is the underlying silver market. If it breaks above 20 bucks and stays there, then the entire sector's psychology should change. COMEX option expiry antics have been a joke this past week. Gold moving up 10 bucks while silver loses 20 cents ... the PM price suppression scheme is definitely showing serious cracks ... the entire sector may well blow higher ...
Keep an eye on the Goldman Hearings. What began as a planned charade to defuse public pressure ending with a Goldman hand slap has the potential to morph into something entirely unplanned. Dodd's bill is toothless. If a political pissing contest ensues, like it looks like it might be, and the bill develops some teeth to substantially reduce derivatives trading - then JPM would have an awful lot of shorts to cover - and silver prices could explode higher. And I'm sure this stock would participate ....
But then again, in the final analysis, big money usually has its way with Congress and we could be in for much of the same ....
Hope not - but longer term - this ones a keeper ....