Goin' Where There is Silver At some point (now?) the drilling will go back to the Consolidated zone on the Queen Fault, this is where Cordex and John Livermore drilled a resource that is not NI 43-101 compliant but real none the less for me. Longitudinal section of the Consolidated area shows what seems to be a widening ore shoot that extends below the "productive zone". There is silver and gold here to be sure and holes with NSR will be drilled outlining this resource.
This is not surprising, ore shoots have boundaries that either encapsulate a large volume of enriched vein rock or they are more limited in dimension and spotty along strike or in the vertical, even though the quartz vein they are in may be robust and large.
How far down does this Consolidated ore shoot travel below the current drilling? I think we are about to find out.
I found a very interesting report yesterday, 1996 USGS Resistivity Survey of Mogollon and Bursum Caldera rim. John Livermore made core from Mogollon drilling available to the researchers that allowed them to make better interpretations of their geophysical data by calibrating their data to actual rock core. This was a very informative read.
The goal of the Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) survey was to define 1.areas of high electrical resistivity (quartz and silicified rock) and2.low electrical resistivity to define areas of rock alteration (to clay, caused by the circulation of hot mineralizing fluids). Clays pass electrical current quite easily, quartz and silicified rocks are like insulators with high resistance .
The geophysical survey lines were run from west to east and crossed the Queen Fault in 3 places; 1. north of the Independence fault intersection, 2. In the vicinity of Fanney/Ida May/Queen fault intersections and 3. near the Last Chance/Queen fault intersection.On these traverse lines more stations were placed west of the Queen fault because of the past silver/gold production and future production potential there.
It was the plot of line (3) that was fun. A clear andlarge high-resistivity zone was revealed which outlined the vertical zone of the Queen fault clearly.To the west and east of the high resistivity anomaly were parallel vertical zones of low resistivity, clay alteration... classic!Shallow resistivity zones were outlined to the west of the Queen fault on this geophysical track as well.This is what one would draw on a chalkboard in a classroom as an “idealized” model.Classic!This is a robust signature IMO.
The AMT survey line (2) that crosses the Queen fault near Independence/Ida May is less informative because of fewer data stations along this track.The 4 stations close to the Queen fault do show moderate resistivity near surface in this region but lack of data saturation along this line limitsits resolution IMO.High resistivity zone exists down ~1 km.
The report summaries Mogollon geology very well.Great read.
Not investment advice DYODD, read the report HERE.