Calgary meetingsTwo days of dinner, presentations and meetings with the MXI team. Frankly it would be hard to come away from meeting Greg unenthusiastic about MXI. He is passionate and he believes that they have a significant gold discovery in Siribaya. I am no technical person but it appears that the data supports this conclusion.
Greg and Walter Henry flew to Calgary directly from London where they were engaged in Frontline business. In London they discovered that mining was the flavour of the month and in particular West Africa gold mining. They also discovered that the London brokers knew of "Iam's" exciting exploration play in Mali. They also knew that Iam had a partner in the play but they didn't know who the partner was. That highlights the weakness in this company.
We have a world class asset but nobody outside of Calgary and Halifax know that we own it.
Greg has promised to rectify this. Now that Iam has operatorship and Walter is running FGC Greg can focus on getting the story out. And again, he shines at promoting Merrex. Greg is not a natural salesman but when it comes to MXI his enthusiasm is infectious. Personally I would like to see us us the treasury to promote the stock and worry about coming up with our share of the next program later. A high share price can make a lot of things happen.