RE: RE: Fake breakout?If the drill results that we're waiting for and Q3 comes in better then estimated this thing is heading for 2 bucks. As we approach the new year the hedges they have get smaller and smaller. I thought today would have been more of a breakout day but it has moved a good percentage in the last few sessions. This stock is so on the edge of becoming a wanted issue that you can almost taste it. As they keep pumping out the pit and get back to "normal" pit ore exctraction revenues will only get better and better at these loftly prices.
One thing spooks me a bit is how come this stock is so undervalued and hardly traded or even heard of. I know it's not a huge player but 23 cents after by product credit ( 2 bucks before, too high for my likings) should be very attractive never mind the insane low PE of 6.5 or so. They don't have large debt to say the least and a very bright future so what gives with lower then should be stock price, is it the hedges they have? I guess the fall will tell a little bit when awaited for news finally is released in the way of production and drill results, maybe that's what's wrong this stock releases very little news at all.