Interesting WeekThere was major volume in BTC this week, COP was the reverse. My take on it is that some investors who don't want to take the risk on the EIS outcome are taking the money and running. There's nothing wrong with that as long as your making a profit. I'm taking a wild guess but I bet that Sheldon Inwentash is picking up more BTC shares. It kind of reminds me of the time BTC was picking up Coro in June @ 39 cents.
It's been a long wait but finally the public meeting is going to happen next Tuesday. I've heard that there is some opposition to the mine but I guess on Tuesday we'll see just how much. With today's technology, information travels extremely fast so my guess would be to watch the share action on Tuesday to get an indication of the opposition. I have no idea on how long it will take to make the announcement after the meeting is done or maybe they might schedule another follow up meeting. I sure hope it doesn't get drawn out but the way San Jorge has moved forward, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
I sure hope I don't jinx anything buy my prediction is that they get the EIS and I would say a 50% rise in share price should happen. So Coro would trade @ 90 cents and BTC should trade higher than 90 cents but that is just a guess on my part. Next week we'll find out one way or the other so fasten your seat belts.
Anybody follow JIM.v. Major share action ,so something is up over their.