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Mason Res Corp MSSNF

"Mason Resources Corp is a mining company. It is engaged in the copper exploration and development in the U.S.A. Its key project is the Ann Mason Project located in the Yerington District of Nevada."

OTCPK:MSSNF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by dynarodon Nov 05, 2010 1:02pm
Post# 17664763

umpty dumpty

umpty dumptyNice post - why I can't get my head around is that PG killed this deal from day one allowing the turks to have exclusive negoitating rights.  I would of walked away months ago - the rumoured offer of 30 million is a joke in the first place.  Biggest let down in the company is their inability to promote.  That is the achilles heal for us, now from the last post we are back at the trough at 9 cents again - JW said that the last month raised would last 12 months -

What they need to do is get the story out via a reputable newsletter and get some following, a decent newsletter writter could easily get this POS to 40cents
Bullboard Posts