Old posts three months agowhen NAG was 10cents, CQ was 9 cents.
Friday, NAG was 9.5c, CQ was 34 cents.
CQ/NAG ratio
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9/15/2010 3:37:16 PM | | 290 reads | Post #28595735
CQ/NAG price ratio = 4, imo. Just my ungrounded opinion.
if NAG stays at 0.10, CQ will be 0.40.
RE: RE: CQ/NAG ratio
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9/16/2010 1:01:08 PM | | 246 reads | Post #28599804
"Could you expand on what that means exactly?
Thanks in advance- "
OK, I said that it is my ungrounded opinion, but if you ask why I have that opinion, here is the logic:
NAG has outstanding shares close or over 200 million, while CQ less than 50million, if two companies have the same total market value - most of penny stocks virtually are all the same, so CQ/NAG price ratio = 4:1
Not sure if you have read that CQ buy coal interest in Pakistan, top 10 coal producing region, besides, Pakistan is China's long term ally so if CQ does build a coal mine there, it should have a broad market in that region.
I always think CQ's president simon tam sounds like Chinese background (not sure, just a guess), if so, now in this recession time, everybody is broke except Chinese and they are good at market manipulations...
Anyway, I own CQ shares and I have no plan to sell right now...