maystealer the idiotSoros didnt get to be a billionaire by buying stock and hoping and praying and guessing that they would hit oil and he could double or triple his investment. thats for novices. what Soros did was load up by buying in the open market at $.20, then he bought into the private placement at $.30 with warrants. when the news was announced that he bought into the private placement, the stock went to $.40, where he promptly shorted a big slug of the stock. at that point he unloaded his $.20 stock for a double and rode the short position all the way back down to $.20 for another fifty percent gain. then he unloads the stock he bought on the private placement at roughly a breakeven. All told, hes easliy doubled or more his total investment, owns no stock and has a boatload of warrants still to participate in the upside in the event that they hit a big time well. THATS HOW BILLIONAIRES GET TO BECOME BILLIONAIRES. you maystealer are lying again.