Gold is already UP $15..Thrughout historyIt has been said, that Gold is a portable source of wealth which cannot be destroyed by the elements, and anywhere in this world .always manages to retain its value, or usually increase its value!!! We were witness tosome of Nature,s worse disasters, and as we all saw. nothing remains, buildings, houses, roads, boats,cars. trains, trucks etc, etc.....are really not worth anything, when Nature has iits way...I suppose this is one reason mankind has rellied on Gold physical Gold, has been loved, admired, worshiped , personally and as societies...Gold does have unusual
impacts and effects on Humans especially....A very Old Goldbug very good friend of mine, use to say to me....believe me you won.t like it one bit when the time for Gold, overtakes societies, siince among Golds many function, It was almost always one of the signs of chaos, something inherent in human blood that seems to almost always make humans want to hoard Gold for security of themselves....
Some of these thoughts came to mind, while I watched the TV pics from Japan....Now this disastef wou.ld probably only those people in the quake, Tsunami, and Nuclear plants areas, so it will NOT be a complete disaster for evefryone, just relatively few...I believe that our societies, are becoming very Large and complex, and the so called Natural Disasters will be Bigger and Bigger as out world populatiions increases, and there will one day, when we can no longer sustain ourselves, ...hoping and praying that I will not be living by them...BUT, I find it an extremely real and probable scenerio, and thus I have always beleived in the power of Gold, not necessarily paper Gold, but the actual phusical bulliion, in very small amounts, to try to save you and yours....I know that this scenerio sounds out of whack, but whether it is us or our children/grandchildren, but one day it will happen...anybody thet has any kowldge of Geology, especially ores depositions, and origins, will be quite familiar with this subject...
NO I am not calling for the end of the world anytime soon, but many religious writingsin all faiths have been telling us about this...just NOT when...I bring this up just to show how deeply imbedded Gold is into the Human conscienssness...It is not just a fiinancial,tool, it is much more....
Let us hope that Japan recovers and quicklly...although they really have a HUGE mountain to climb....Oldest population, majority of whom are in terrible poverty, economy still not growing, as I say it will be exeedingly hard to recover, but these people have an incredible staying power....let.s hope they do it again...I would not hold any equitiesanywhere in the world for a while any ways....until all these world problems appear to be solving themselves.....
SOME PREDICTIONS for the short term W> economies....
Jap Yen will initially sell off a bit, but then recover, as the Japanes repatriate /sell off Hoard of US$ etc,,,
People around the world will wake up to what Nuclear Plants are all about, and the exreme dangers of all kinds so look for all these new Nuclear plants to set righ back into the future sometime, as well as the development of much safer Nuclear plants,or other types, this will take some time, or alternatively, sunstancially reduced in most countries, which leads/will lead to lower Uranium prices, and brand new designs ultra safe, which begs the question why haven t they come up with them up to now.....Now the obvious push up this will have on Oil and Gas will be obvious, thus the very importance of control of Oil and Gas throughout the world...
I would just add that alternatw energies supplies will be very well sought after for the advancement of the Human Race, and our fure economies.....que sera, sera....