Judging from the numbersOf posters rating their own posts. I would guess that there's a large number of pump & dumpers focusing their attention here... Which is of very little significance or consequence... BWD has been fortunate enough to lock in a solid land base in a very topical location with some running room IF it all pans out... it won't be until a good size intermediate or a senior producer rolls up the front drive with 4-6 rigs and a 2-4 hundred well program that BWD will realize it's full value... delineation is going to be a couple of years... in the meantime... BWD has a huge minefield to navigate its self through IF they mean to add to shareholder value through the bit... this IS the ground floor folks...the first or second chapter of the story... the first step in a journey of a thousand miles... blah... blah... blah...So... don't listen to the pumpers... ignore the bashers...buy on the lows and de-risk on the highs...
GLTA it's MY opinion git yer own.