ya .20's sound good...this is a perfect example of fleecing the little guy...management only did exactly what they said they were gonna do and on schedual thus far...agreed their biggest mistake was being so horny to drill they walked over some people in the process...there was never a promo campaign yet cuz they had nothing...cash in the till great prospects and a desire to mine was my calling here at $1.05...so we have a fleecing going on cuz zero has changed other than market sentiment and the bozos who "own the this play" thats why it has a "will of its own" cuz what it has been doing to this extent defies rationality...so only explanation a fleecing is going on...orchestrated by td who is anjon et al cuz the retailers have their share certificates in trust with them...the shorting is daily not a long hold short thats why its not recorded...now if all the little guys asked for the share certificates and these bums were forced to give them to the rightful owners this play would be 100% higher than it is today...hard to watch at first but...hey lets be real this is nothing more than a game that is played with other peoples money...i believe in this team...hopefully everybody following this story gets their desired price to enter and the game being played can shortly end...is it really this gapo thing that needs to be closed??lol...as for Grandich he is the kiss of death to most plays and should get his walking papers...roulston pescode west et all have had some elephants and they trump Grandy...I have faith that this will be a buyout story 2 years from now...