RE: RE: surprised no one postingShorty, why would you think that I would be moaning? On paper, I'm in the green, mind you I've owned BTC for a very long time. I did mention on paper since I haven't sold which means it could drop down in value.
This is probably the best buying opportunity (JMHO) since ( I couldn't remember so I had to look it up. My first purchase was Dec 14,2005 for 40 cents) Nov 28,2008 when I picked up a few share for 12.5 cents.
Actually your right Shorty, I am moaning a bit. I didn't have lots of cash this time to load the truck up @ 30 cents but I'll take what I got. I'm a long term player, 2005 baby. BTC has way too many irons in the fire to not be very successful in the future.Those people who got in @ 30 cents will probably get reward down the road but that is JMHO.
So far it's kind of early but the share actions and forget this over sold crap is telling me that the market is warming up to Coro. Could be Chacay results or else it could be this which is just a wild guess..
Getting them to shut down the project could actual be a god send. Now the company is free to negotiate with San Juan. If they can get it done and I think acid leaching is legal in that province then they will have zero stock pile which means more copper to sell. I'm no mining engineer but the cost for transportation could be offset by the extra copper production.
Have a nice day cause I'm have a great one.