espagnolHi Sir.
You post great infos here. Thanks
I read all but not active on the board.
I started to question myself on the why they do not want to push things to get the release of the 43-101 asap.
I assume they prefer the market to clean up at low prices in the advantages of the ones who know more about the potential.
But, I'm concerne about the speed and the direction of the negociations...
Do you have an idea what kind of business model they would prefer?
What would be a decent target from your perspectives for December of next year ? 2012.
I know in theory like BK newsletter said, this could be 40$ if everything take place but...
I still have great expectations but fell a little dissapointed about the speed things are moving.
I told many months ago we would be over 12$ in 2012... clock is thicking...
Thanks a lot again.