To call the meetingMust mean they know what it's going to be about or otherwise they are still working on things and are hoping it will get completed by the meeting date. So for me they know what is about to happen so the question is how long before the news that's going to be discussed at the meeting come out to the public. I can't see them calling the meeting not having all the things worked out so the longer the news takes to come will affect where the share price is going to go. If we hear nothing this coming week I guess they want it to hold or even trend down some more if they want it to rise we'll wake up tomorrow morning to a nice big fat head line. Depending on the scope of the news and where the MM's want this thing will determine the date of the NR. Be prepared longs if there is no news this week the bashers will be on overtime spreading the sky is falling big time. I guess we'll hear what the news is very quickly but I don't count. Delaying the news will have an effect on the price but for me it's only short term because I'm in it for the longer road which will get me the just rewards for sure.