RE: RE: Negative Nancy returns Vol 5ummmm lesbian honest here.
(wow, thats one impressive insult. how long did it take to dig up that pearl)
PMT is down because of nat gas prices not because of incapable management.
(Gee, do you think. The riddels have known for quite awhile, how low nat gas prices have/will eroded stock value, and have done didley squat to stop it)
The Riddels have more money then you and your past 20 grandparents.
(Where do you keep drreaming up these jewels. What difference does it make, how much money they are worth? Do me a favour, dig up the stas on how many shares they have averaged down on and find the lost dollar value. I guarentee that you will drop a load in your depends)
When nat gas picks up so will PMT but I still do not see that happening for at least another 5 years. Their sister companies are doing very well. PMT has been grossly oversold and if you were lucky enough to ride them down then you would have a big smile on your face now
PMT is down because of nat gas prices not because of incapable management. The Riddels have more money then you and your past 20 grandparents.
When nat gas picks up so will PMT but I still do not see that happening for at least another 5 years. Their sister companies are doing very well. PMT has been grossly oversold and if you were lucky enough to ride them down then you would have a big smile on your face now
You really should have read all of the negative Nancy reports. I have been calling this mismanged company out for about three years now.
I have no smile on my face from people seeing there money flushed down the drain, by management that could have done several things. Item one, they should have cut the div a long time ago. That would have kept them from selling hedging and other assests. They sold these assets to keep people from realing how aggesive there mangament?accounting practises are//were.
I wouldnt be surprised to this thing go under. Then watch the riddels buy it out for peanuts, and then they will do the restructuring. Everybody else will end up holding the bag.