down 72% in one year This has to be the biggest POS traded on the TSX. Yet another 52 week low and down 72% in one year (I just threw up when I typed that). How does Sue Riddell get up every morning and go to work knowing she's destroyed shareholder value like it's nobody's business- you'd hope she'd feel some shame but I doubt it. Isn't there any sense of accountability in this company, if I performed as lousily as she's done at my job I would have been fired a long time ago. How about the CEO come out with a statement to reassure shareholders/investors that they're turning things around, that there's hope, that they're selling assets, something, anything. No instead we get nothing, just the continuous pounding of the SP into oblivion. Sue Riddell may be the CEO, but she's no leader. There is some good news though, once the SP reaches the 30 cent level, I'll be able to average down something fierce.