What is Cantex worth based on AH I did a bit of research to get an idea where our share price would likely be if AH was a producing mine. I looked at the WCP board, and looked at where some of the gold projects were that they worked on. The project that most resembles ours (location, government uncertainty, cheap labour, water issues) and came up with the gold mine company called Centamin Egypt LTD. At there Sukari mine they have been producing since 2010 last year they processed 200,000 onces of gold at a cost of $556 per once, they have a proven resource of 13 million onces and are trading at $1.42. Also Centamin have 200 million cash are debit free and unhedged. So if WCP does acquire 70% and brings AH to production that should leave Cantex with a share price of about .43 cents based on AH alone. If WCP brings AH to production I guess it will take min 3 years. So I sure hope that Suwar is not a dud and we can get up to the northern part of Yemen and find a couple of more mines. Big hopes for the Yukon properties as that is the only thing that will take us over a buck in the near future. IMHO