RE: earth to micro mike??? I'm just sitting back watching things unfold.
I'm very surprised at BTC surge in share price. I don't think it will hold unless we get some news to support it but that is just a wild guess. It's definitely not related to Coro's share price since it's flatlining with next to nothing for volume.
On Coro's latest press release. The El Desesperado property sure looks interesting from a location point of view. The share action didn't do anything so the market didn't seem to like it. So now we just sit back and wait to see what they can find. If they hit something then hold on tight since there will be a mill in close proximity. I also like the fact that they have added another property in Chile which is mining friendly. From a glass half full point of view. The price of Coro is already factored in on no movement on San Jorge so we have no where to go but up for BTC holdings in Coro but that is just a wild guess.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the up coming PDAC when the Argentina government is trying to promote mining with all the craap that is happening over their. It's going to be a hard sell unless they can get some positive news out before the PDAC.