Weekend news I doubt it I'll have hope until 9 eastern for a news release tonight otherwise it's going to be a long weekend seeing as I believe if it doesn't break today it won't break on the weekend. I can only speculate on why the long delay, the company has had their house in order for months they are very good at keeping order and doing things in a professional manner so with the delay today in giving news as to why it's been halted it's having me lean in the direction of a outright buyout offer that came in last night or this morning.
I realize that we have been waiting on spin out details and no doubt that's why the halt but that makes sense only if rthe news release comes tonight, being halted all day doesn't matter to me but no news tells me something else besides what we know is coming is up. INT has been prepping this thing for months it's almost not possible to not release news on the day it's been halted unless some other reason has arisen to bring on the halt, does that make any sense to anyone else other then me.