my guess my guess is that Salida goes right for a forced liquidation. since management is cashing out with there big severences and soros has liquidated 80% of his position, and the bulk of the stock has traded at these lower prices ($.07 - $.17 per share), much of the public float has turned over in the past six months. likely the percentage of stock held by older stockholders with much higher basis' is now as small as it has ever been. salidas basis is likely about $.14 per share ( a guess ). therefore a forced liquidation for $.21 per share would benefit them and EVERY buyer of lfd stock over the past six months. so, you would think it would have strong support. for salida, a $.21 liquidation would equate to about a 50% gain in about six months time. or 100% on an annualized basis. that would look pretty good to salida shareholders. so, i think (and hope) that is what they will push for. glta