Colt 451 you are out of your mind and... Nobody give a fffffff c at FIU with the debt load they have and a share price at .18 cents for the last 5 month.
You will loose lots of time and energy .Nobody will come with a super deal with this situation.
I just sayd look what happend just lately with ARTIC GLACIER AND ALSO YELLOW MEDIA who both
were profitable company and shareholder are fighting to get something but nothing will change.
Be lucky ,FIU could of go on court protection and they would of not been the first one and many have try class action lawsuit and in 99% of case it is useless .
DEON should at least explain better for the shareholder .What will be left with the 62 million (already in bank from both deals -debt) and what about the 10 million bridge if we have already 10.6 million in cash +16 million of different assets what should be given to shareholder and if we get about .35 cents a share it would be finaly very good for the shareholder and 100% of bonus from here last close friday at.18 cents .stop dreaming ,then we can get like 1.00$ a share .it do not make sense to ask more.