BWD's Potential I think we can all agree that speculation of oil in the AB Bakken is gone . Bwd has found oil in both of thier wells . Argosy , Torc , Murphy and Dee Three have all had significant discoveries in the zone close to BWD's land .
Some interesting scientific facts that support why BWD's land has some of the best potential in the play . Due to natural occuring fractures.
There is geopressure present in much of the area that industry has pursued, evidenced by overpressure in formation well penetrations. Further, there is overpressure above and below the Exshaw, which is a commonality with components of the Bakken play of the Williston Basin. The overpressure can locally fracture the rock through the conversion of source rock to hydrocarbon and is theorized to be present in the Exshaw, and evidenced by the 100/10-30-008-23W4/00 well.
*( The 8-23w4 well was brought on in1979, with first-month (time-on adjusted) production capability of 355 boe/d, and first-year averageproduction of 117 boe/d, which was 94% crude oil, with the balance natural gas. The well continues topump oil at modest rates)*
The presence of these micro-fractures would argue for enhanced permeability and ability to produce hydrocarbons and is a critical piece to the technicals that support the play. Extensional faulting occurs in southern Alberta, and more specifically in the Fort MacLeod and Lethbridge areas near the Blood reserve. If an operator is close to a fault plane, then it could, as a more localized aid, enhance fractures.
Extensional faulting. In the period after the mountain-building event occurred, the sedimentary rocks effectively relaxed, where it is theorized that extensional faulting occurred. In this respect, there are arguments in favour of more localized creation of natural fractures. Dependent on the proximity of theseextensional fractures, this could foster a stronger regional potential to produce than from non-naturally fractured rock. Specifically, extensional faulting could result in enhanced fracturing and thereforepermeability of the reservoir rock.
These exerts were taken from a Scotia Capital Report . With diagrams showing Extensional Faulting specifically on and around BWD's land holding .