Backsplit....What could happen I will use the example of US Silver (USA.CA) which has a producing silver mine in Idaho, thgey decided to do a backsplit in Jan 2012 assuming the market was going to take off...they did their backsplit at 5 to 1....and the market fell away since then....just go look at their share price now......this not the time to do a backsplit.....the market will discount it out and drop the shareprice quicker. Go to their site, look at the graph...and you can see it happening ... Question is.....Do you want that?.....
Remember the whole precious metal market is off.....but remember, the shorts (bulion banks) are trapped...they have sold millions and millions of ounces of gold and silver....and they cannot buy it back....Whenever they drive down the price....buyers are waiting with their bids.....and these are not ordinary buyers....they are central banks of a lot of is the new trading ask WHY?.
The US through their interest of having the USD as the money of international trade, has banned the world from using the international USD clearing facility from using dollars in trading with what is happening....countries that buy oil from Iran are using gold to purchase products....the USD is toast...they caused it. The United States does not want to use gold, or silver as money...that's why they finance the Wall Street bullion banks to drive gold and silver down....they are trying to protect the USD.