RE: The REAL Problems in Yemen Khat is no more of a problem there than bud and booze is here. Al Qaeda is more of a problem in the south and the Yemeni citizens are also taking up arms to fight against them with the army and the USA drones, they killed 17 Al Qaeda Thursday and seem to be getting at least a dozen a day. The New president is going the right directions by getting rid Saleh's cronies, Tariq Saleh has just quit, he headed the Presidential Guard, and relinquished his new post as head of the 3rd Republican Guard brigade. It will take time but Yemen need investment to create jobs and a future. IMHO you will see AH protected by the army and there will be a mine. WCP have experience working in the middle east. All we can do is hope and look forward to a share price increase as it can't go much lower and Chuck is too proud and rich to fail and let down his family and friends.