Maybe a different perspective It is pretty clear that all are disenchanted with Selectore, it's management and B of D. The desperate financing sure hurts the incumbent shareholders with the exception of management who are pulling down the high salaries and have expense resimbursements. I'm not sure how McKenzie or Deslippe can sleep at night unless the desperate financing prevented a full financial collapse of the Company. I think we should give them the benfit of the doubt and assume that Selectcore is being pulled from the brink of bankruptcy.
So why invest in a company that can't manage it's finances? No one would unless they believed that they could make a quick return. I really can't imagine anyone believing managements predictions of future prosperity. It's pretty clear to me that they aren't very good operators and have little regard for shareholders. Just my opinion but I think the facts justify this.
I think it is ludicrous to believe that any bigger company would buy out Selectcore simply to get their technology. There is no rocket science in what they have created. It's not even unique to Selectcore. What would have value is customer contracts. Today they have one (Toronto) that may have value if the company were operated properly. So the big question to anyone not considering dumping their shares is whether they believe management is capable of winning additional contracts. I have my opinion, which I'll keep to my chest for now.
I would be remiss not to say to all shareholders I am sorry for your loss. I'm losing hard earned money too. I should have known better because the due diligence that should have stopped me from investing in Selectcore can be found on Sedar. Anyway, all the best.