RE: re: Mad Money show Great interview with Cramer. Don't like Cramer but sometimes his interests allign with my own and that is typically a good thing for my finances.
I was also very keen to hear about the 24 month big growth phase followed by this turning into a dividend paying company. When Nolan Watson does a road show he certainly gets some great interviews and attracts a lot of attention. I am blown away by how often he has been interviewed by very prominent analysts and investment sites.
The other thing I found very interesting in the video is how Sandstorm is guaranteed to make money on their gold streams even if gold were to fall below the $500 per once price that sandstorm agrees upon. Now I think we can all agree that this is really highly improbable but it gives me an understanding of how they set up their streams. For me I get more confidence with my investment in the sister company SND. Those prices are much more volatile so as long as the companies that sandstorm partners with are still in production Sandstorm can buy their share at a price that guarantees a profit assuming they set up their streams in a similar way. The only thing they can't guarantee is the that their partners will not hit financial crisis and default which would then mean Sandstorm would have right to their assets.
I also wanted to share this link I found about a company extending and even repricing warrants on the venture exchange. It's not a company I follow but it certainly appears to me that a warrant extension can happen. I personnally don't think Sandstorm management would do this as I think it is an unethical business practice to change the terms of a warrant. In my search I found many companies have changed terms but I haven't found an example where the warrant was publicly traded.,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=%22warrants+will+be+extended%22&oq=%22warrants+will+be+extended%22&gs_l=serp.3...265729.266699.0.267193.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=c56012dfb1b47624&biw=1241&bih=584