Announcement of JV If the company does have a JV agreement whose execution is "immininet" why would they waste it just to provide market liquidity to tax loss sellers. These shares are coming at you regardless so why waste your powder building a market. We have a hot new area, Boto, with a partner who is the foremost expert in the area
An announcement of a sizable program, with a focus on Boto and a explanation of how it will be funded will move this stock in the New Year. That is provided that the funding is not a massive dilution at artifically depressed prices.
As I write this Don Vialoux is on BNN speaking about the "small cap effect" This is what market technicians call the very reliable tendency for small caps to rally strongly from Dec 19 to March 7 I suspect that it works especially well for juniour golds because March 7 is usually around the end of PDAC.
Merry christmas MXIers