RE: RE: Public hearings deadline announced Thanks for the link. I love the following quote by the Sask. Government. It can summaize all the EIS "problems" that others have "spouted" about karnalyte. It is always better to use facts to back up arguments.
As the Sask. Government can see the advantage, the new investors will be coming on board.
Stock price: ..... time is running out
"Tick Tock said the clock"
"Unlike other potash mines in Saskatchewan, Karnalyte proposes a mining
process that will not require the storage of waste on the surface, thereby
eliminating the need for construction of tailings piles or tailing ponds. Instead,
Karnalyte proposes to dispose of waste solids and brine in depleted
(mined-out) caverns and by deep well injection to appropriate locations within
the 1,500 metre deep Winnipeg/Deadwood Formation. They also propose to
avoid using shallow potable water as process water by extracting brackish
groundwater sourced from the Blairmore Aquifer approximately 475 metres
below the Project area. Karnalyte?s drinking water and start-up boiler feed
water would be provided through normal purchase from available supplies in