cezary read this!No point getting testy, the information I have comes from a variety of sources, including Jacques who I call about once every week or two. Jacques told me that he would go after the second and third stage of financing once the first stage was in place. When someone posted regarding the application for stage 2 and 3 financing then I put 1 and 2 and 3 and got 6 (I can add, you know). I know the goldboro property, I now its history, I know the problems facing the gold extraction process and the issues with the inconsistent assays on the property.
I am highly educated and I try to spell the best I can, but unfortunately I have grown up in the computer revolution and am a victim of the spell checker, and if I do not spell properly then I make up for it in content (I had a idiot boss a little while ago form the old school, who really put emphasis on grammar and spelling and all that stuff, he lasted 3 months, in his quest to have the correct spelling and grammar on catalogues and advertising he neglected to the tactical and strategic stuff he was supposed to do). Also understand that some of the posters are from Quebec and they were raised speaking French, English is technically their second language, so be kind. This is a forum for the exchange of information; acronyms and short forms are used as a matter of fact.