RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: EFSA review Go to hell 1320; if that makes me arrogant, that makes you useless. Again, what have you contributed so far, apart from a lot of noise? Just, for once, try to help me and give me your interpretation of articles like the one in the Noc/Dec issue in US Canola; why would Bioexx send these messages into the world? I do not know the answer, but it is certainly interesting to read that there are apparently plans to bring the Saskatoon plant back to original nameplate capacity. Give me something useful rather than your noisy views on management flaws that happened in the past; don't get me wrong here, I do share your frustrations but it is what is.
Anyway; the link does work, just hit refresh of follow 'click here'. Now go to mandate number M-2013-0069 and read the pdf. Btw, my credits go to Foodhawk...
And before you start yelling at me again, indeed, I posted on this board again; sharing info that hopefully leads to a higher share price one day is in my interest; despite you being around here.