debt repayment News in Australlia for those that are always dwelling on debt.
13 March 2013
ASX Market Announcements
Australian Securities Exchange
20 Bridge Street
By Electronic Lodgement
Dear Sir/Madam
Repayment of US$325M Convertible Bond
Paladin Energy Ltd (Paladin) is pleased to advise it has repaid in full the outstanding balance of the
US$325M Convertible Bonds (ISIN: XS0349087451) issued 11 March 2008, which were listed on
the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. US$191M of this was previously repaid via a
Tender Buyback which settled 29 May 2012.
The outstanding balance of US$134M was repaid on 11 March 2013 (the Maturity Date).
Yours faithfully
Paladin Energy Ltd
Managing Director/CEO