Smell a Rat(s) It is being reported on Bloomberg ("Banro Says Acting Chief Operating Officer Belshaw Has Departed
2013-03-13 15:43:19.504 GMT, By Liezel Hill, March 13 (Bloomberg)").
The article quotes: "Belshaw left “in the last month,” Naomi Nemeth, a spokeswoman for Banro said today by phone."
??? Where is the TSX release ??? And a quote from a "spokeswoman"?
Why is BAA not PR'ing Material Events?This kind of Corporate Conduct is extremely concerning.
I would have thought that the BoD are now in deep, deep do-do (along with Corp. Counsel) as when you're building a project and commissioning another, to hold back price sensitive information (a "material event") from the market may well be seen as constituting extreme negligent behaviour, at best, or criminal behaviour at worst.
Don't even get me started on how / when / why Mr. Village went...
I am sure that the sacking / resignation / departure of your COO in the construction and commissining stages as stated by Bloomberg constitutes a "material event" - Belshaw was the actual guy building NOT Village...
Who knows whose head will roll next. Once again, this kind of Corporate Conduct is extremely concerning.
Watch next for the Class Action guys to show up...