RE: Just curious Chief, i've got to give to you in spades , i have no idea how you can keep answering these maroons. i give these f-ups about 5 posts at most (and that is being generous) if they don't start making sense by then they get the iggy. I really don't think anybody who has done any DD at all on this company has to defend it , the share price will do the talking . I think that some of these idiots really think they have the power to control this thing, when in actuality all they are really doing is scaring a few newbies and people on edge out of a possible big winner.
If anybody on these message boards think this is a done deal they are living in la la land. I think most of the people who have sunk money into Zen for the long run know what we have and are more than willing to take the gamble. All the daytraders know they are in a volatile stock, hence lots of spread and opportunity there (you got to really know your stuff , good luck on that and your brass nuts). Then there are these other miscreants hanging around here like a bad smell, as far as i'm concerned they can all go to hell. It wasn't too long ago this board was pretty neat and informative but now it seems to me that it has just degenerated into a bad joke.