BTC is now in play Bottom line is that 10 cents is too low but that's just a wild guess. Plus this company GRO has no track record 2 years old or so and no liquidity 20M shares or so. If in fact the deal goes through and say a few people want to cash up. There is no liquidity and the price usually goes down if there is no buyers in theroy that is..
Here's Coro's latest press release
"Coro notes GRO's statement that if it is successful in its takeover of Benton, it intends to divest of Benton's equity position in Coro. Coro wishes to clarify that under the terms of an existing agreement with Benton, Benton first has to give notice of its intention to sell shares in Coro, and Coro has the right to arrange for a purchaser of any such Coro shares to be sold by Benton. As Coro has not been a party to these discussions it is unable to comment further at this time."
I'm not a legal expert but if GRO takes out BTC and then later on down the road sells the shares then I would think that Coro doesn't have any rights but like I said I'm no legal expert.
The bottom line is that BTC is now in play for either a hostile or friendly take over. If Coro is nervous about these shares going to somebody they don't want like a Sheldon type of guy then they should be countering this offer with a similar type of deal which is a percent of Coro shares for BTC.
My ideal deal would be 1Coro share for ever BTC share. BTC owns 57.8 Mil Coro shares and BTC float is 76mil so they are adding another 76-57.8 = 18.2 mil shares to the float but they are getting some cash and one property.
PS Moose - Those 15 cent options will be worthless if the GRO deal goes through. They will also be worthless if BTC doesn't trade above15 cents before any other deal closes and the shares are delisted.