RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Is Ambatovy Next to Shut Down? But timing is very difficult to predict and Rome was in decline for a period of time longer than the US has been in existence.
Yes, and Britain saw it's rise and fall in a fraction of the time of Rome's rise.
And the U.S. is in serious decline in a fraction of the time it took the British empire to collapse let alone rule.
It took centuries before Rome was so-over stretched by senseless war and was gutting itself by debasing its currency, and, I don't believe Rome ever did have a 100% fiat currency system. But, as is the case today, the people were kept distracted and passified by the "entertainment" of the day. Such as two big dudes killing each other. Sound familiar?
Amazing how what would once take centuries now appears to happen in mere decades.
But hey, lets blame them darn ferners!
I've watched most of the video and others like it. That's the great thing about the internet, you can find massive amounts of information to support any point of view you wish to choose. Unfortunately, I haven't found much that promotes critical thinking skills. Just more of the same as we get in our education system, what to think rather than how to think (for yourself).
I'd post videos of my own choosing but don't wish to fall in to the same form of lazy promotion.
When the current empire "burns" shall we all wait for the firemen to carry us out and save ourselves the effort? Or shall we fight the cause of the fire before it gets out of control?
Here's one for you to read, it will only take a minute or two and at least this guy takes some responsibility for his lack of action and integrity.